Vitalis Psychotherapy

About Myself


I’m Karin Serafim, an experienced Psychologist and Psychotherapist, having completed my training through the esteemed Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. I specialise in formulating and delivering long-term and short-term therapy.

I’m a recognised professional by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), and I’m proud to uphold their strict ethical standards. This includes safeguarding your confidentiality, engaging in ongoing clinical supervision, and continuously expanding my professional knowledge.

For over 20 years, I’ve been devoted to my private practice. In our one-to-one meetings, I’m genuinely interested in exploring your relationships with yourself and others. I find it fascinating how our childhood experiences and relationships with parents, family, and others shape the lives we lead as adults.

As your therapist, my role is to create a safe space to explore the connections between your past and present. By gaining a deeper understanding of these connections, you’ll be better equipped to know yourself, address your challenges and conflicts, and make choices based on your present desires and needs rather than being dictated by past experiences. Your journey towards a more fulfilling and self-aware life starts here.

My Qualifications

– Master´s Degree in Psychodynamics Psychotherapy – Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust – London.
– Specialisation in Clinical Psychology – São Marcos University – São Paulo.
– Bachelor in Psychology – São Marcos University – São Paulo.

My Registration

– British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy.
